The Resource at Risk in North Dakota
If EAB becomes established in ND, the impacts will be astonishing. The native and planted forest and tree resources are a unique ecological and cultural feature of the North Dakota landscape.
A major component of the state’s forested resources is green ash, a highly adaptable, long-lived and resilient tree. According to the USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, there are 78 million ash trees in North Dakota’s forests and woodlands (USDA FIA data). The compensatory value of this resource is estimated to be $3.55 billion. The species comprises as much as 90% of the total canopy cover of some of the state’s woodlands. The loss of ash within riparian areas would have major negative impacts on water quality, wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities. Similarly, ash is a major component of the states 55,000 miles of shelterbelts and is the most abundant species within communities.
*Note the high percentage of the susceptible host trees in many North Dakota Communities.
The ash tree resource in North Dakota is important because:
-Ash is a major source of wood products.
-Provides wildlife habitat and maintains ecological diversity.
-Protects homes and roads from wind and snow in winter and provides cool shade in summer.
-Provides recreational opportunities.
-Stabilizes river banks.
-Filters water runoff from adjacent agricultural lands, maintaining high water quality.
Click on the following link for information about Regulatory Activities to slow the spread of EAB.