- Emerald Ash Borer
- Asian Longhorned Beetle
- Gypsy Moth
- Dutch Elm Disease
- Thousand Cankers Disease of Black Walnut
- Ramorum Blight / Sudden Oak Death
- Oak Wilt
- About ND Invasives
- ND Invasive Species - Tree Pests
- North Dakota Invasive Tree Pest Contacts
- Learn about EAB and bark foraging birds
- Pinewood Nematode & Pine Wilt
EAB Life Cycle
Giant EAB head
ALB and a quarter
ALB size
Adult Emeral Ash Borer
ash leaf
Gypsy Moth Larvae
Gypsy Moth Adult Females with Egg Masses
Male and Female Adult Gypsy Moths
Gypsy Moth
Gypsy Moth Larvae
EAB Adult
Asian Longhorned Beetle
Emerald Ash Borer
Gypsy Moth
Sudden Oak Death/Ramorum Blight
Sudden Oak Death/Ramorum Blight
Thousand Cankers Disease of Black Walnut
Dutch Elm Disease
Gypsy Moth
Oak Wilt
Percentage of Ash in Riparian Buffer Forests
Ash susceptibility_known host
Percent ash in riparian forest buffer
Percentage of ash in rural plantings
Firewood Alert
EAB is Right Next Door
EAB is Right Next Door for ND parks and Recreation
Our Ash Trees are at Risk
This Ash Tree is at Risk
Percent ash in Home Acreage Plantings
EAB Potential Impact in North Dakota
North Dakota Ash Risk Map
ALB oviposition site and exit hole
ALB Life Cycle Picture
ALB Life Cycle Picture
Insects Frequently Confused with Emerald Ash Borer in ND
Insects Frequently Confused with Emerald Ash Borer in ND
EAB Message Flagging 2017
QR Code for Sick Tree Assistance
- Info
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